среда, 3 февраля 2016 г.


Підтема: Сім’я. Стосунки з батьками.
Мета:  навчати іншомовному спілкуванню, використовуючи проблемні комунікативні ситуації.
- формувати і удосконалювати мовленнєві вміння учнів;
- удосконалювати навички читання;
- розвивати мовну здогадку учнів;
- удосконалювати навички письмового переказу тексту від першої особи;
- формувати навички культури спілкування у родині;
- виховувати повагу членів родини один до одного;
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, картки  для утворення словосполучень.

                                                                      ХІД УРОКУ


1. Привітання.
2. Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку:

T: Today we are going to speak about family, the place of the family in your life. We’ll learn new words,  read and discuss newspaper article and try to find the reasons of conflicts between children and parents.

3.Warming-up activity.
To begin with I want you to remember some proverbs and sayings about family. Which of them do you know? How do you understand them?
Ø      Like father like son.( Proverb)
Ø      Children need models more than they need critics. (Joseph Joubert)
Ø      Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless. ( Mother Teresa)
Ø      Sooner or later we all quote our mothers. ( Ben Williams)
Ø      Children are born to be happy ( Jose Marti)


  1. Discussion
 Ask and answer the questions of exercise 1 p. 74 of your textbook.  and choose three values that are the most important for a family to be a good one.
A good family:
Ø      always does things together
Ø      helps each other
Ø      is always kind to each other
Ø      talks together about problems
Ø      makes sacrifices for each other
Ø      enjoys being together
Ø      protects each other from difficulties.
Your own idea_____________

  1. Reading ( text of exercise 2 p.75-77 of a textbook)
Pre-reading activity
1.Read the text quickly and try to understand it without looking new words in your dictionaries.
2. Copy the words of the word file and find their meanings in the dictionary

While reading ( read the text once more and match the comments made by  people with  the parts of George’s story).

Post-reading activity:
After reading the article and comments  in your PB match the words in column A with the particles in column B to make up phrasal verbs.


A                                                                    B
end                                                                 on
get                                                                  out of
go                                                                   back
grow                                                               up with
look                                                                on with
patch                                                              up
put                                                                  up
rely                                                                 up
run                                                                  for
speak                                                              out
stay                                                                 out
storm                                                              out
talk                                                                 about

- Write down the phrasal verbs you’ve made and give the explanation of each one. Consult your dictionary if necessary.

In groups brainstorm the main areas of conflict between parents and adolescents. Write down the list of them and
present it to your classmates. Decide who will present your list and in what form.

Imagine you are Susie( see the texts on p.p.75-77 in your PB). Write about the situation with her father from her point of view.


Our lesson is coming to the end. I would like to listen to your impressions of the lesson. Was it informative? Interesting? Useful? What new information have your learnt?

Write for-and-against essay on topic: “ Should parenting skills be taught in school?” Learn new words from WORD FILE on p.76 of your PB.


Підтема: Проблеми батьків і дітей.
Мета:  навчати іншомовному спілкуванню, використовуючи проблемні комунікативні ситуації.
- формувати і удосконалювати мовленнєві вміння учнів;
- презентувати граматичний матеріал щодо утворення та використання умовних речень ІІІ типу;
- формувати вміння та  навички вживання умовних речень ІІІ типу;
- формувати первинні навички  батьківства;
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, таблиця структури складнопідрядних умовних речень.

                                                                      ХІД УРОКУ

1. Привітання.
2. Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку
Today well continue speaking about problems of parents and children, read a very philosophic poem, learn new grammar material and try to understand what is “generation gap”
3. Перевірка домашнього завдання
-Word dictation
- Listening to some pupils’ essays Should parenting skills be taught in school?”
Warming-up activity
You know that children learn as they live. A child’s character is affected by the attitude of parents towards him or her. I would like you to listen to the poem by Dorothy Nolte and discuss it in groups:
If a child lives with criticism,
He learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility,
He learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule,
He learns to to be shy.
If a child lives with shame,
He learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance,
He learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement,
He learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise,
He learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness,
He learns  justice.
If a child lives with security,
He learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval,
He learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship,
He learns to find love in the world.

Practice in free speaking
Express personal opinion on the subject “ Modern teenagers. What are they like? Main problems of parents and children”.



Pre-reading activity
 Look at the title of the text and try to guess what happened to the main character.

Post-reading activity:
  1. Answer the questions on the text:
a)      Look at these names. What part did each person play in the story? \ Sharon Robinson, Mrs. Robinson, Vicky Sampson, Mr. Sampson\
b)      Read the text in more detail and answer these questions:
-         How did Vicky run away from home?
-         How did she do it?
-         How did she feel when she first arrived in London?
-         How did she survive?
-         What made her want to go home?
-         How did she get home?
-         How has life changed since then?
  1. Discuss points.
1)      Was Vicky right to run away?
2)      What did her parents think when she disappeared?
3)      Did the Robinsons do the right thing?
4)      How would you have acted if you were Vicky?
5)      What would you have done if you were the Robinsons?

Now let’s have a talk about your relationships in the family.
  1. How much of a generation gap is there in your family?
  2. Do you ask your parents for advice?
  3. Would you like to bring up your children similarly to the way your parents bring you up?
  4. What would you do differently from your own parents?

  1. Read the rules of using the 3rd Conditional in your PB on p. 80 and do exercise 1 on p.80.
  2. Creative work:
-         Transform the sentences of the poem IF… into the3rd Conditionals
-         Do exercise 4 on p.81.


Our lesson is coming to the end.  Thank you for sharing your ideas and opinions and for your hard work at the lesson. You’ve really tried your best.

1. Do exercise 3 on p.81., exercise 6 on p.82.
2. Write a short composition “ Some parental restrictions do more harm than good”

Підтема: Конфлікти в сім’ї та шляхи їх подолання
Мета:  навчати іншомовному спілкуванню, використовуючи проблемні комунікативні ситуації.
- формувати і удосконалювати мовленнєві вміння учнів;
- удосконалювати  граматичні навички;
- розвивати навички словотворення за допомогою префіксів;
- удосконалювати навички читання з метою знаходження основної інформації;
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, картки з завданнями для словотворення

                                                                      ХІД УРОКУ

1. Привітання.
2. Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку:
We are going to read the text about foster families. I hope you’ll share your thoughts about foster families and what do you think good parents should do. We also practice grammar material of the previous lesson and recollect the rules of word-formation.
3. Актуалізація опорних знань з граматики ( виконання впр. 3 с.81; впр.5 с.82 підручника )

Warming-up activity
Look at these statements. What do you think the people are discussing? Discuss it in groups.
1.      Some things are too embarrassing to talk to your parents about.
2.      My parents never have time to talk to me.
3.      I can’t talk to my parents about anything.
4.      I can’t talk to my parents about things that are really important.
5.      Parents have forgotten what it’s like to be young.
6.      They always treat me like a child.


Pre-reading activity
1)Read the text quickly and say why Emma is glad she met Caroline. Ignore gaps a-e. ( see appendix)

Post-reading activity
1.Missing sentences.
Each of the sentences.1-5 fits into one of the gaps in  the article. Decide where each sentence fits best.

  1. I have to treat her like an adult and give her space.
  2. When she was 15 Emma’s behaviour got worse.
  3. Caroline was a real friend.
  4. “It’s very hard for them if they have to suddenly leave and live  out in the world on their own”.
  5. She has friends, a boyfriend and a busy social life.
  1. Understanding the text
1)      How would you describe Emma before she went to live with her foster family?
2)      How would you describe Caroline, Emma’s foster mother?
3)      How would you describe Emma now?

Let’s have a talk about good parents and good children. What should they do to be good and understand each other.
Do exercise 7 on p.85 in your PB. Present the results of your work in a form of instructions.

Add appropriate prefixes ( un-,in-,ir-, im- ) to make words with the opposite meanings.
dependent______________                          responsible______

polite_________________                            familiar_________

do_____________________                        human_________

zip_____________________                        regular_________

moral___________________                        possible________

relevant___________________                    happy__________


Our lesson is coming to the end.  Thank you for sharing your ideas and opinions and for your hard work at the lesson. You’ve really tried your best.
1. Do exercise 2 on p.79.
2. Prepare a short report “If there a difference between the role of mother and father”.

Підтема: Чи можливо знайти компроміс між батьками та дітьми.
Мета:  навчати іншомовному спілкуванню, використовуючи проблемні комунікативні ситуації.
- формувати і удосконалювати мовленнєві вміння учнів;
- поповнювати словниковий запас;
- розвивати навички вживання відповідних форм ЛО ;
- удосконалювати навички ведення діалогу з метою обміну думками.
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит.

                                                                      ХІД УРОКУ

1. Привітання.
2. Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку
Today we’ll practice reading dialogues, share our thoughts on the problem of “ generation gap”. We’ll also learn new words and develop our skills in using the appropriate forms of the words and transitional words.
3.Перевірка домашнього завдання
Now let’s listen to your reports “If there a difference between the role of mother and father”.

Warming-up activity
What is  a “generation gap”? Write the list of things that cause a generation gap between parents and their children.
Ask and answer the questions of the exercise 2 on p.86 of your PB in pairs. Present the results of your discussion to the class.
Pre-reading activity
- Do you like to watch TV shows?
- What is your favourite TV show?
- Would you like to be a show host?

While reading : read the episode of a TV show of ex. on p.86 of your PB and act it out in a group of four.

Post-reading activity
Discuss the following questions in groups:
  1. How much a generation gap is there in your family?
  2. What parents should do to be successful?
  3. How do you understand the proverb ‘ You cannot put old heads on young shoulders”?
  4. Is a generation gap inevitable?
  5. What can we do to make it easier to overcome?
Focus on grammar
Do exercises 11,12 on p.37 of your WB.


 Think about how to avoid problems in family relationship between generations. Write some advice for parents and their children.

Підтема: Дружна сім’я – запорука взаєморозуміння і благополуччя в родині.
Мета:  навчати іншомовному спілкуванню, використовуючи проблемні комунікативні ситуації.
- формувати і удосконалювати  вміння та навички аудіювання;
- удосконалювати  граматичні навички учнів у використанні умовних речень ;
- розвивати вміння  пошукового читання;
- удосконалювати комунікативні вміння та навички;
- формувати орієнтири на життєві цінності;
Обладнання: підручник,  картки для роботи з після текстовим завданням

                                                                      ХІД УРОКУ

1. Привітання.
2. Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку
 At the lesson we are going to speak about the things that make family strong  and friendly.
3.Перевірка домашнього завдання.
Role-play game “ You should…” on the basis of the advice for parents and their children pupils wrote at home.( pupils are divided into 2 groups : ‘ parents” and “children”

Warming-up activity

Listen to a short story “The bundle of sticks” and think  what does this tale teach us.
Text for listening
The bundle of sticks

            Once an old man, who thought he would not live long, called his sons. “ Bring me a bundle of sticks,” he said. The young man did so. The father tied the sticks together and gave the bundle to his youngest son. “ Can you break this bundle of sticks?’ he asked. The boy tried to do so. “ No, Father. I can’t”, he said. “ Then give the bundle to your brothers. Perhaps one of them can do it”. The brothers all tried, but with the same result. Then the old man untied the bundle and gave one stick to each son and said; “ Can you break one stick?” “ Of course”, said the young men and each broke his stick.
“ You see,” said the father, “ if you live in friendship, you will be stronger. Union is  strength”.


Pre-reading activity:
  1. Answer the questions:
-         Do you have any family traditions? What are they?
-         Do you like to spend time with your family?
-         What traditions do you consider interesting\ boring?
Reading ( see appendix)
Post-reading activity:
Answer the questions of the card HO1 in no more than 3 words

  1. What kind of city was the festival in?_________________
  2. Who was this festival for?________________________
  3. Where are the countries situated?___________________
  4. How many countries shared their way of life at the festival?_______________
  5. What could the people at the festival taste?_____________
  6. What could the people listen to?_____________________
  7. What was the weather like that day?________________
  8. How long has the festival exited?___________________

Role-play the situations ( exercise 8 on p. 92 of your PB)

Group Work: Divide the pupils into 2 groups. The first one writes the list of the ways to describe successful relationships, the second group writes the list of the ways to describe unsuccessful relationships. The winner is the group with the longest list.

Group Work. Writing. Every group has the task to write their own ideas about what parents can do to live happily with their   teenage children. Write some ideas in the form of  Conditionals I.

Our lesson is coming to the end.  We’ve done a lot work. Can we say now that the best and the dearest thing in our life is our family?
 Do exercise 6 on p.91.

Підтема: Права та обов’язки дітей в родині.
Мета:  навчати іншомовному спілкуванню, використовуючи проблемні комунікативні ситуації.
- формувати і удосконалювати  вміння та навички читання;
- удосконалювати  граматичні навички учнів у конструюванні умовних речень різних типів;
- практикувати учнів у написання коротких повідомлень;
- удосконалювати комунікативні вміння та навички;
- формувати громадську позицію учнів щодо виконання своїх обов’язків;
Обладнання: підручник,  картки

                                                                      ХІД УРОКУ

1. Привітання.
2. Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку
 At the lesson we are going to speak about the the rights and the duties of  children in the family.
3.Перевірка домашнього завдання.
- Pupils, let’s compare families of the past and modern once. Were they the same in size, way of life, duties of children. Read your short stories on the topic and share your points of view: What families are stronger and more united?

Warming-up activity
Please recollect the poem by Dorothy Nolte IF… and match the parts of it
Was it easy for you to match the parts of the sentences? Which rules will you follow when you are parents yourselves?


PRACTICE in reading the text  of the exercise  1 on p 89 of  PB
Pre-reading activity:
Answer the questions:
-         Do you think there are many conflicts in modern life? What are the reasons of them?
-         Are you\your parents rather patient people?
-         Can you manage to avoid conflicts with your parents?
-         What helps you to be tolerant and understanding?
While reading
Read the text on p 89 of your PB and complete it with the words from the box.
Post-reading activity:

1.Answer the questions :
      1. Choose the list of reasons of conflicts between people. 
  1. Which of the conflicts mentioned in the text have you experienced?
  2. To what extent do you think that such conflicts are inevitable? How can they be avoided?
  3. Can your household chores be the reason of conflicts between you and your parents?
2.Express your agreement or disagreement.     
-Parents should control their children’s access to the Internet.
-Young people should never live home without their parents’ permission.
-Young people should work to be independent from their parents.

According to the constitution of Ukraine every person has some rights and some duties. Which of your duties don’t you like? Which of them annoy you the most? Do your parents discriminate you?
-         Speak about your rights  and duties in the family.

Read the story about personal relations on HO2 and fill in the missing words. There is one extra word that you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning.

HO 2 About a year ago I had a bad quarrel with my father. Since then we have hardly spoken to (0) F_____ other. I would apologize (1) _____ I felt that the quarrel was my fault. Bat I don’t (2) _____ it was. It all began because he criticized the man I was going out (3) _____ and I told him he had no right to interfere (4) ____ my personal life. This (5) _____ him very angry.
            A few months after the quarrel, I discovered my boyfriend was having an affair with (6) _____ woman, and as a result of this, we broke up. But I still haven’t told my father about the break up even (7) ____ I phoned him recently to wish him a happy birthday. He sounded very cool (8) ____ I didn’t feel like continuing the conversation (9) ____ longer than necessary.
            Unfortunately, I need a new car, as my old one has broken down and can’t be (10) _____. But I am rather short of money. I know my father would lend (11) _____ to me if I asked him, but I don’t want him to think is the (12) _____ reason I have contacted him again. However, if  he finds out that I have borrowed the money from a bank before asking him, he will probably never forgive me.
A         with                                       N           any
B         though
C         it
D         in
E         another
F          each
G         only
H         if
I          bad
J          think
K         repaired
L         and
M        made

Write a paragraph on the following problem. “ A teenager’s life can often be more difficult than their parents suspect”
Focus on grammar
Repeat the rules of using Conditionals on p.283 of your PB and do  exercises 2-3 on p.90 of your PB.

 Exercise10 on p.93 of the PB

Підтема: Психологи про сімейні стосунки між батьками та дітьми. Лист до редактора.
Мета:  навчати іншомовному спілкуванню, використовуючи проблемні комунікативні ситуації.
- формувати і удосконалювати  вміння та навички написання ділових листів;
- розвивати вміння  пошукового читання;
- удосконалювати комунікативні вміння та навички;
- розвивати креативне мислення учнів;
Обладнання: підручник,картки із  зразками  ділових листів

                                                                      ХІД УРОКУ

1. Привітання.
2. Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку
 At the lesson we are going to speak about the generation gap from the psychologists’ point of view; learn how to write a letter to the editor and try it ourselves.
3.Перевірка домашнього завдання.
Listening to the pupils projects “Three generations”
Warming-up activity
Pupils you know that letters are divided into 2 categories: formal and informal. There are various types of formal letters. Iy is important to think about the person who you are writing to before you begin writing a letter. If the wrong style is used, the letter will look impolite, silly or weird. So I want you to recollect the types of letters. To begin with match these phrases with the types of letters. Give more opening phrases and endings for each type of letter.

1.  I am writing to inquire about…
2.  I am writing to apply for…
3.  I am writing to complain about…
4.  I am writing to infirm you…
5.  I’d love to come… but I can’t make it.
6.  I am writing to accept you kind…
7.  I am writing to invite you to…
8.  I am writing to apologize for…
a)  letter of complaint
b)  letter of apology
c)  letter of application
d)  letter of invitation
e)  letter refusing an invitation
f)    letter asking for invitation
g)  letter  giving information
h)  letter accepting an invitation


Writing point
Read the instructions of writing the letter to the editor and  analyze its structure. What should your letter be like? What are the most important steps in planning the formal letter?

PRACTICE in reading the letter  of the exercise  2 on p 96 of  PB
Pre-reading activity
Look through the letter of Dr Margaret Haster and analyze the structure of the letter. Divide it into the  main parts.
While reading
summarizes Dr Margaret Haster’s point of view.
  1. Parents should be more strict with their children.
  2. Parents should be less strict with their children.
  3. We don’t know whether parents should be less strict or more strict  with their children

Post-reading activity:
1.Look through the letter again and answer the questions of exercise  4 on p 97 of  PB
2. Read “ Golden Rules” for writing formal letters and always follow them.
  1. Give your letter a heading if it helps the reader to see a glance what you writing about.
  2. Decide what you are going to say before you start to write.
  3. Use short sentences.
  4. Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph.
  5. Use short words that everyone can understand.
  6. Think about your reader. Your reader…
… must be able to see exactly what you mean; your letters should be CLEAR;
…must be given all necessary information; your letters should be COMPLETE;
…is a busy person with no time to waste; your letter should be CONCISE;
…must be addressed to in a polite tone; your letters should be COURTEOUS;
…may had a bad impression if there are mistakes in grammar; your letters should be CORRECT.
Group work. Brainstorming 
“Structure of the letter to the editor”
Make a mind-up map and give examples of the appropriate phrases.
Structure of the letter

Write an answer to Margaret Haster that could be put in the column of  a newspaper. before starting to write read the instructions of the exercise  5 on p 97 of your  PB
Pupils! Let’s summarize what have we learnt about the letters to the editor\authorities.
- What kind of letter is the  letter to the editor\authorities?
- What parts are these letters consist of?
- Why do people write letters to the editor?
- What should you write in a concluding paragraph?
- Has somebody in your family ever written this kind of letter?

 Exercise6 on p.97 of the PB

additional texts for reading
Lesson 2
No  Place like home

Today Vicky Samson came home from school at four o’clock. She watched TV for half an hour. Then she did her homework. She’s working hard at the moment, because she’s got exams soon. After dinner, while she was helping with the washing up, she talked to her parents about a problem she has been having at school.
 It was a normal day, but it was the kind of day that makes Vicky (and her parents) very happy. ”I can’t believe it”, says Vichy. ” Life is wonderful. Four months ago I was living in a cardboard box under a railway bridge in London”.
   Last October Vicky ran away from home. How did it all start?” I hated school. We always had so much work to do and I didn’t see the point of it all. But it was worse at home. My parents didn’t understand me. It was all “Do this!” “Don’t do that!” We only spoke to each other when we were arguing. One day I just couldn’t stand it any more”.
    On that October day, Vicky didn’t  go to school. She went to the station, put on some clothes she had,  packed them in her school bag, threw her uniform away and caught the train to London.
“At first it was really exciting. There were all the bright lights, theatres and shops and some really interesting people. It was just like on the telly. I had to sleep on the streets, but I didn’t mind. I was free – no school, no homework, no parents.”
But soon there was no food and no money either. “Someone nicked my purse about a week after I arrived. I couldn’t get a proper job, because I was only 15 and you have to be 16. I worked in a restaurant for a while, washing up. That was really funny, because I’d always complained about doing the washing up at home. I didn’t get much money, but at least it was warm”.
Then the restaurant closed down and Vicky was back on the streets again. She was cold, hungry and miserable, but she survived until one night about a week before Christmas. “I was walking down a street, when I looked into someone’s front window. There was a girl there, just like me. She was decorating a Christmas tree. I thought “If I was at home, I’d be decorating our tree now”. Then I couldn’t help it. I just started crying. I sat down on the pavement and cried and cried”.
Luckily for Vicky, the man who lived at the house, Mr Robinson, came home while she was sitting there. He took Vicky into the house and  Mrs Robinson gave her a cup of tea and something to eat. “They were so kind. I told them my whole story. They offered to pay for my ticket home, but I didn’t want that. I thought my parents would be angry”.
But the next day she was back home. While Vicky was at their house, Mr Robinson went next door and telephoned the police in Birmingham. Three hours later, Vicky’s father arrived to collect her.
“It was the best Christmas present I’d ever had”, said Mrs Samson. “We’re so grateful to the  Robinsons for what they did”.


Lesson 3

Today, Emma is smiling, happy 19 year- old   studying psychology at university. a)________  However, just like many teenagers, her life wasn’t so easy when she was growing up.
     Emma was brought up by her grandmother until she was 13. They were always very close and did everything together.
      Unfortunately, her grandmother was quite ill, and as she got older, it became more difficult for her to look after her granddaughter. When she was thirteen, Emma went to live with another relative, but she wasn’t very happy.
       “I was a wild child”, says Emma, “and I know I was difficult to live with. I started smoking and drinking, and I kept missing school and getting into terrible fights. Nobody knew what to do with me, and I got into trouble with the police too”. b)_____ She stayed out at night, went to clubs, often got into trouble, with the police and even started taking drugs. Finally,  it was decided  that Emma should go and live with   a foster family for a while.
          It was then that the things began to get better for Emma. She moved in with  her foster mother, Caroline, who had fostered a lot of  teenagers c)__________. “She showed me that there was another way to live my life, and how important it was to go to school. She helped me to see that I could make a decision about what my life was going to be like”. Emma decided to stay on at school, and worked hard for her exams.
Emma was extremely lucky. When foster children reach the age of 18, they usually have to leave their foster homes. But Caroline wanted Emma to stay with them, and the local council agreed to pay for some of her expenses. “It’s good that young people can stay with their carers after they are 18”, says Caroline. d)_______.
Caroline says that her relationship with Emma has changed now that she is older. She goes to university, so she comes home with a lot of new worries, but I always try and help her sort her problems out’.
        Emma is very pleased with changes in her life. “I think university is great for any young person”, she says, “I’ve been really lucky, I’m going to do something with my life, and it’s all because of Caroline. But the best thing is that I feel part of a real family. Of course, I will still see Caroline after I finish university and leave home – one day she’s going to be granny to my kids.

Lesson 5

Festivals for Families

     There was a festival in a large city. It was put on by people who wanted to share who they are. These people had their families come from different countries.
     This festival was for families. Many families came out to learn about life in different countries. The countries are located in Central America, a place south to the United States. There were twenty one different Latin countries sharing their way of life at the festival.
     People who came to the festival could taste food made like they are in the other countries. They were able to listen to Latin music. There was dancing as well.
     The weather was nice which made a good day to walk around and see it all. Some people were showing things that they made. People could buy these things from them.
     This festival has been going on for 10 years. Each year more people come. They had a very large crowd this year. The festival was free and many people enjoyed it.

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